I appreciate how snow makes the days bright and quiet.
Myra has been busy learning new things and cutting two more front teeth (ouch!). Her favourite activity these days (other than walking around the furniture) is to experiment with object placement. First she'll empty out the baskets of toys and throw anything that is on any surface, especially the coffee table, to the floor. (Of course, she has to do this while standing :D) Then she balances carefully with one hand and reaches to pick up a fallen toy with her other hand and places it back on the coffee table. Then she immediately moves it somewhere else. It's cute :D
She's a pro at crawling now and tends to follow Tim around the house. Whenever he see her he says "Hi Myra!" and Myra immediately responds "Ha Dada!" and squeals and claps her hands and crawls up to him. Tim likes to tackle her - he picks her up and holds her close like a football and then they roll around on the floor with Myra safely tucked against Tim's chest - Myra loves it!