This weekend was filled with activity. My dad had previously won 4 tickets for a guided fishing tour on the Fraser River, so on Saturday, all the "sons" joined him for the adventure. Myra and I joined my sisters and mom for some good shopping and a very enjoyable soup and salad lunch at the Olive Garden. The weather was so beautiful - sunny and warm.
Here is a picture of the sturgeon the guys reeled in. It took about 15 - 20 minutes for Nate and Dan to reel him in. This big fellow measured 5 feet 10 inches. Crazy to think that if the fish and I were laying side by side, it would be taller than me :)
Myra continues to fill our lives with joy. We think she is SO cute!!! Every morning, she greets me with a HUGE gummy smile - such a good way to start the day :) Here she is cuddling with dad before church on Sunday.
Hiking on July 1st has become a tradition for Tim. This year he joined Jon, Ang, and Christa on a very snowy hike of Mt. Cheam. The trail was completely covered so they climbed straight up which I imagine was a very tedious and hard process.
Celebrating at the top!
Coming down was much easier... only took about 20 minutes since instead of climbing, everyone either "tobogganed" down on their bottoms or ran down the mountain. Apparently it was a thrill. I'm glad I was in the comfort of my living room :)
Tonight Tim relaxed after a long day by cuddling with Myra and watching the Formula 1 French Grand Prix. As you can see, Myra was also intrigued by the race - much to Tim's delight!
Happy belated Canada Day!
Hope y'all have a great week :)
Wow! What a fish. Good catch guys. So fun to hear about your week-end Charlotte. I love how intently Myra is watching the Grand Prix. Too cute.
I have to say I am so glad I wasn't the one holding the fish, YUCK! But what a catch, would much rather been hanging out shopping, what a fun day!
Aiden is enthralled with any "sport" on television as well, sooo cute. funny he's not that crazy about Oprah:)
I love you a bushel and a peck. Hope you guys are having a good week so far. I stole the fish picture off your blog - hope you don't mind. Enjoy the sun! Hope to see you soon.
Char - you commented on my blog at 5 in the morning - you are crazy! Just kidding - it just made me laugh. Thanks for the encouragement.
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