So, the other day I was getting dressed and commenting to Tim how cold it was by our bedroom window. Unlike today, it was a very cold morning, I think around -15 or so and I could feel a breeze of freezing air coming into our bedroom. Tim denied having opened the window - I opened the curtains to double check and this is what I found. The windows were closed tight wonder our heating bill is through the roof!
...yes! it is snow/frost on the INSIDE of our windows on the latches even with the windows completely closed....crazy!
Onto another story....I try and clean out Myra's ears with a warm wash cloth every day and usually she likes it so much she pushes her head into my hands as I do. On Saturday, while cleaning her left ear she started crying very hard - so hard that it took me almost 30 minutes to calm her down. Very unlike her! My mommy radar was immediately on high alert....I suspected an ear infection or something but wasn't totally sure. Except for having a hypersensitive ear, she was her normal self...happy, laughing, sleeping, eating unusually well, etc fever, no cold, no other symptoms. It's fairly uncommon to have an ear infection in the absence of a cold or fever. So we watched and waited. I phoned MSP to see what would be covered if we needed to see a doctor. Tim mapped out a route to Windsor, Ontario (about 3 hours away) in case the financial cost would be unreasonable down here....and we waited. Finally, yesterday I made an appointment at a health center close by. Myra seemed okay, but I still could not touch her ear at all. We had our appointment this morning and came home with antibiotics for a double ear infection that is worse on the left side. (Mommy radar was right once again :D) MSP will reimburse us for about 45% of the cost. So it's not too bad ... and the antibiotics were free which worked out well.
Myra is still on the VERGE of crawling! :D She spends a lot of her time these days standing on her head. Have a look....
The latest trick Myra has mastered is how to get from laying on her stomach to sitting up ....inevitably, if she's not quite sleepy enough when I put her in her crib, she'll go from laying down, to standing on her head, to sitting up and squealing with excitement (very cute!) at which point I try and intervene so that she'll actually get some sleep. :D
Well...I should sign off for today and feed my cutie pie :D She's been eating solids like a champ the past few days -- yesterday, for both lunch and supper, I gave her second and third helpings of food! YAY!!! Now I just need to be diligent in finding new foods for her to try. I think we'll try egg yolks this week.
Hope you are having a good week - it's half way over :D ...only 2 more days till the weekend.
I'll leave you with some pictures of Myra having fun with the kitchen chairs....
cheers! :D
LOL on her head, that is so funny! what a cutie, oh the trouble she will find when she starts crawling!
wish i was in 8 degree weather instead of -49 ahhh!
Goodness, that's cute :) I can't believe how time seems not that long ago that Lucas was poking her in the eye at your house!
Poor baby - those ear infections are NO fun. Hope she feels better soon!
Poor girl - hopefully the ear infections go away fast. I'm glad that the medical care wasn't too bad - I always wonder about that for you.
I remember Kyra did the for the longest time before she started. She was always on her head. Silly girls:) Thanks for the pics of your cutie - luv ya!
Oh, standing on her head - too cute!
She's so cute. Glad everything worked out with the doctors, hope she gets better soon. Oh and I got my diaper covers yesterday, I love doesn't even seem like he's in a cloth diaper it fits soooo good. Love you.
Sorry to hear that Myra has an ear infection, but I'm glad you were able to go to the local doctor instead of the one in Ontario. Love the pictures of Myra on her head and playing in the chairs - so cute!!
Hope you're better soon Myra!! Love the pictures of her standing on her head, too cute!
Ohhh so sorry to hear about the icky ear bug! Hope you feel all better soon!! Brennagh did that pose just yesterday-- so funny how alike our girls are!!
Take care,
That window picture makes me feel chilled :)
Myra looks like she'll be crawling in no time. I love the standing-on-head shots!
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