"he who chose not to be named" happily holding his ticket. Incidentally, he was also the only Chicago fan of our group.
Brandon "Butter", Craig, and Matt. Brandon and Matt were the purest Canuck fans, Craig and I were the purest Canadians
One of the rare times another nations flag is on prominent display here in the US, so I had to document the moment. Craig and I proudly sang the anthem, even though neither of us have a strong history of patriotism. Something about being away from your home land...
5 boys in the city - at the hockey game - yay! we had really good seats!
At this point in the game the Canucks looked strong - of course, this is the opening face off, and if you saw the game, you know it was all down hill from here :-( We got to cheer for one goal though. It feels awesome to be one of a handful of people cheering for the visiting team. On the other hand, it feels pretty pathetic when you have to sit there while the rest of the arena roars with cheers when the home team scores. We had more opportunities to feel pathetic than we did to feel awesome :-P Except for "he who chose not to be named" - he was flying high.
We hung out in Millennium Park after the game. Is this Craig's favourite building, or did I tell him to stand like that? I'll let you decide...
There's a fancy skating rink here. Notice the big bean up there...
If you look closely, you will notice this picture is the reflection of us standing in front of the bean. It's a cool bean! Yup - 5 boys in the city, hanging out in front of a big reflective bean. I think broadway may make a musical of our adventure...
Anyway, here's a nice reflection of the cityscape at sunset reflecting in the giant bean. kinda cool.
After this we ate at Subway in the Subway, yeah that's right, you read correctly - how appropriate is that?! :-) and then we rode the train back home. It was quite the day; adventure, joy, sadness, and a big reflective bean. Five boys in the city really couldn't have asked for any more.
lol :-)
I like the story about the five boys in the city. Miss you three - can't wait to see you.
Wow - that so brings back memories of when I was living in IN! :) (Well, minus the hockey game). Where did you eat the pizza? I'm assuming you got Chicago deep dish pizza? Yum! I must admit, I sure looked at the big bean strangely the first time I saw it. You have some great pictures! Thanks for the walk down memory lane....
Sounds like a fun time, except of course for the sadness at the hockey game. Cool pics though, and a great story, and this time it doesn't seem like any of it was made up :)
Great post! Love the great pictures and great storytelling....too bad it wasn't a great ending. Oh well, at least the experience was fun eh?
Great post! What a fun experience. I would like to watch a Nucks game in another city. Would be a fun perspective. I am going to the game on Saturday....hoping we win! Like the photography as well
Looks like fun Tim. But not as fun as Three Girls in the City is going to be:)
Sounds like great fun! That's on my list of "to do's" - go to a Canucks game in another city. I am hoping to not get such a stinker for a game, though.
Glad to hear that you had a fun trip to Chicago! Loved the story:)!
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