Saturday, March 7, 2009

17 Degrees

So on Friday it was a full 17 degrees here and sunny. We were pretty pumped cause it was a nice change from the below freezing temperatures we've been experiencing for the last three months. To enjoy the warm weather we decided to take Myra to the playground at a nearby school. Here are some fun pics from that trip.

We also turned Myra's car seat around for the first time on Friday also. Here is a slightly cross eyed pic of Myra enjoying her first experience of riding facing forward.

That's all for now.


Ruth said...

I am waiting for spring to arrive here in Sask. -45 temp with wind is way to cold for March!
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures with us, wish I could spend an afternoon visiting and playing with Mrya.

Anonymous said...

wow... almost two already! Loved our chat yesterday! HUGS for your day today
Bis bald!

Dan and Lynn said...

Sounds like fun times at the playground! Myra must have enjoyed playing outside:).

Hope she enjoys the new view from her car seat!

Troyerfam said...

We just turned Malakai around and he loves it! A whole new world has opened up. Wish we could play at the park with ya'all.

Gary and Ellie Loewen said...

Can Myra come for a play date today?
Missing my little sunshine and her excited fun chatter.
Hugs from Berlin!

WLJZA said...

Jotham and I came to look at pictures again and warm up a bit. It looks so nice outside there (even though that was a couple weeks ago), we had snow again yesterday and -10ish so it was nice to warm up with your park pictures.