Monday, June 2, 2008


I've been enjoying watching Myra play. She has started imitating what we do ....for example, if I make the penguin walk along the bathtub and then jump in the water - she'll take the penguin and try to do that same thing. Tonight she was content for at least 30 minutes to put all the blocks into one container and then to take them out one-by-one. And the cutest thing is her developing sense of humor. Like when she takes the corner of the blanket and puts it in her mouth and then shakes her head making the blanket shake and bursts into giggles - it's as if she knows she's being silly. :D Another favorite pastime these days is talking on the phone. Yesterday, Myra got hold of the phone and before I knew it, I could hear the speaker phone on and the phone ringing -- she'd unknowingly called Uncle Dan and Auntie Lynn and for at least 5 minutes she walked up and down the hallway with the phone to her ear saying "DADADADA..." "OOOOHH". :D

Here are some snapshots from our week...

Having a picnic with our friends Marty and Hannah and Kai...I found it amusing that Myra kept her feet on the picnic table while sitting back and enjoying her water.

Bath time ...always brings a smile even on the grumpiest sort of days :)

I was folding clothes and putting them in this laundry basket in piles when Myra discovered what I was doing and start signing "please, please". So out came the clothes and in went Myra. Who wants to watch tv from the couch or floor when you have a laundry basket to sit in? :D

Today we spent the afternoon at an outlet mall in Michigan City with Lisa, Waylon and Jotham. Here's Myra playing at the kiddie table in the Carter's outlet store.

We ended the day by having supper together with Rob and Sandy. Sandy pulled out some of her childhood toys for Myra to play with - Myra had so much fun! She especially enjoyed this doll's bed ... Thanks Sandy!

Myra cut 3 new teeth this past week! - two upper molars and one bottom front tooth and it appears that her 4th bottom front tooth is making its way up as well. Crazy times here in the Froese house! :D



Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures!!!
We miss and love you all!
A. Ruth

Dan and Lynn said...

Wow, Myra's changing so much all the time! I can't wait til you guys visit, and we get to experience that sense of humour of hers in person:)! It's so fun to see more and more of her personality come through. Love you guys lots! Oh, and Myra, feel free to call us anytime! We had so much fun chatting with you!


Rosanna Toews said...

So cute. Love you!

WLJZA said...

Hey, I was there when some of those pictures were taken, and oh ya, you're right beside me. Love you lots, so glad I'm here.

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Myra--look how big and cute you are! I can only imagine what you and Brennagh would get into together now!! Your Mommy and Daddy must be so proud of the little girl you are - and you bring them such joy!

I'm jealous you went to the Carters store-- I miss all that sneaky cross border shopping we could do when we lived in BC!!

So glad you are all doing well! Missing you lots!!!
Love Tammy