Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tim at MWC in Paraguay

So as many of you know I, Tim, travelled down to Paraguay for this years Mennonite World Conference. I was there with a group of high school students, Pastors, Seminary Students, and Professors from AMBS. We were there for almost 3 weeks in total. These 1st pics are from the roof top of our hotel in Asuncion.

Asuncion a very old city, oldest in South America I believe, and there is quite a mix of wealth and poverty intermingled throughout the entire city. A ride in a taxi or on one of the city buses is an adventure of grand proportions. Make sure to try them if your ever there.

Here is the group I was with:

Before the conference I attended the Global Mission Fellowship. A fantastic experience, lots of great stories, testimonies and messages, as well as some fun connections made while I was there. It was held in a nice little compound that was very park like, and had some nice trees.

Here is the massive church where the General Assembly was held for Mennonite World Conference. It's a large Pentecostal church that is not quite completed. However, it was completed enough for us to meet there.

This would be the opening session. You can see some of the uncompleted rafters at the front of the worship space.

In some type of bizarre twist, I did not have any yerba mate for almost my entire 1st week in Paraguay, which was probably the first time in 7 or 8 years that I had gone more than 2 days without any mate. In any case, at the general assembly you could rent all the gear, with either hot or cold water, and the yerba for about 15c a use. A very good deal, and it was nice to finally have access, especially since the H1N1 scare in Paraguay had organizers discouraging the sharing of mate. Perhaps it was more than coincidence that a day after I did share in a group I managed to acquire a cough and a fever. Not a fun experience. Anyway, here is the fun Pajarito stand:

We were also served a tonne of meat while we were there. Especially beef. I probably ate more beef in my first week there than I usually do in 3 weeks. As you can see by this large platter they served us at a dinner our first week there, they like lots of BBQ beef.

Since we were nearby, we took the opportunity to go visit Iguazu falls in Brazil. So this is our group at the falls. From the Brazilian side you walk along for a kilometre and there are large and small sections of falls along the entire stretch.

You eventually end up here - a place called "the devils throat". As you can see, it's an intense section of water falls, pouring tonnes of water into this massive u-shaped area. There is a walkway going out toward it, that enabled me to get the second picture here.

Yup - it's quite an amazing waterfall - well worthy of being one of the 7 natural wonders of the world!

We went up to the Chaco following the main assembly. They have a lot of these "Bottle trees" up there.

We also stopped at one of the small churches there.

Todd is here hoping that they change the water in the baptismal tank before they use it...

Finally, here is a nice shot of Andy B.K. and I representing Canadian Hockey in South America.

Anyway, this is only a fraction of my pictures, and only a very brief outline of my trip. Should you want to know more, you'll have to call me, or take me out for coffee :-)


WLJZA said...

Cool pictures, we'd love to hear more stories sometime, so you can get yourself a cup of coffee and we'll get coffee here and then video chat :) also you can be a proud uncle knowing that when Jotham saw you in a picture he said "Tim".

Russ and Carmen said...

Sounds great, Tim! I'd love to hear more....but I have a hard enough time connecting with Charlotte, even! one day, we'll meet up again in person and hear all about it. I hope you had as great an experience as I did in 2003 in Zimbabwe. take care!