Sunday, May 8, 2011

Arches National Park

So far, I think my most favorite American state is Utah. And my current top three favorite national parks are: Zion National Park, Utah; Arches National Park, Utah; and the Iceland Parkway between Jasper and Banff. I just love the red dirt, I love the massiveness of the is fantastical! To think about how much power water has that it can create these formations. I also love seeing the tiny little desert flowers that are often so bright and growing so boldly.

It felt like a real treat to be able to be here today. We drove through the park, pulled off at as many view points as we could, took tonnes of pictures, and even enjoyed 3 different 30 minute hikes. Myra was very keen on the hiking..."so mommy, are we going to hike some more?...I love hiking"

Here are a "few" of our pictures in random order...


WLJZA said...

Glad you're having a great trip and finding places you love. Love the pictures.

Andrea said...

Wow, amazing scenery! Great photos.

Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures...sounds like you are having a wonderful holiday!

Rachel said...

looks like you're having an a fantasical time on your trip! that park looks amazing i'm sure the photo's don't do it justice! looking forward to seeing more photo's of what's to come! miss you :)

Dan and Lynn said...

Great photos! Looks like a fun trip so far!