Myra is teething like crazy - if I forget to put a bib on her I inevitably will need to change her outfit due to all the excess drool. :D
Teething has also been interfering with Myra's quality of sleep. She seems to have a particularly hard time settling down for her day time naps. Today I tried covering half her face with a light blanket - usually Myra will turn her face under the blanket and fall asleep. This is what I found when I went to check on her - :D (makes me laugh every time).
That's all for today. I have a table stacked with dirty dishes to wash and chopped ingredients I need to cook into some gumbo.
Awww, thats the book from me :) Such a good book too. And it looks like she's really enjoying it, just like her Auntie Lisa, she's got good taste :). I miss you guys lots, and can't wait for Waylon to hook up our ichat stuff so we can see you. Love you lots.
Cute video - sorry she wasn't sleeping though:)
Kyra's going through sleep issues right now too - her naps are going fine but nighttimes are not so good. Hoping hers and Myra's teething calms soon - it's not fun for parent or child!:) Love you and miss you!
Oh, those poor gums! I feel so sorry for babes and their teeth - she still looks happy though! Does she have any yet?
What do you put in your gumbo?
Hi Leanne,
no teeth yet! just swollen gums :) the gumbo i make is black bean and sausage gumbo and it is sooo yummy - lots of onions and garlic :D
Ouch Tim!! Glad your foot is getting better.
That foot looks pretty painful! Hope it heals quick! Your gumbo sounds very yummpy Charlotte! Oh, quick question. Do you mind if I put your blog on my links?
Hey Charlotte - I just tried your old email address and it didn't work so I thought I'd try you here. My very overdue sister-in-law is wondering about a castor oil concoction she could take and I wondered if you remembered the recipe that you made. If you do, you can email it to me at
By the way, Myra is adorable in that last picture!
HI Brenda - no problem - would love to be included in your links - can I be invited to your blog as well? my email is
Ben sleeps the same way :) ben is working on tooth number 3 these days... sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night crying his 'pain' cry... breaks my heart.
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