Monday, April 7, 2008

The Atlantic Ocean!

On Sunday Morning we made our way out the the beach on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. What a beautiful sight! It was Myra and Tim's first time seeing the Atlantic in person, and as you can see by the pics n video, both of them - especially Myra, absolutely loved the experience! We wondered how Myra would respond to the sand and the ocean - she would have walked out into it if we had let her - she cried pretty hard when we left. Here are some of the captured moments of our visit:

This beautiful path was part of the park trail down to the beach - wow!

Myra curious and bracing herself for her first encounter with the ocean

And as you can see - she loved every minute of it - even the times it reached up to give her a forceful "embrace" :-)


eventually we had to hit the road again - I sometimes sit behind tim so that I can play with Myra - turned out to be a decent photo.

Entering Georgia

And finally arriving in Florida - of course we still had a 3 1/2 hour drive to Orlando yet.

Myra was very helpful and checked the tire pressure to make sure we would have good traction

And then she just sat down to look cute :-)

But what would a stop be without taking the opportunity to walk with her mom.

As we drove further into Florida - this is what we drove into: - Yikes! Don't worry - it got better on Monday. till next time...


Keith - Kristen said...

What great pics of Myra in the ocean! So beautiful. Reminds me of us when we were little enjoying that together. Wish I was enjoying that with you now :)

Rosanna Toews said...

So so so so so so so so so so cute! Love the posts Char! I think of you guys lots these days and am glad you get to enjoy some sun.

Yvonne said...

So much fun - love the beach video:) I'm so envious to see you all in shorts and t-shirts. Myra's outfit is sooo cute. Glad the weather got better for you - hopefully it sticks around!!!

Dan and Lynn said...

It's fun that you guys get to experience so many new states, and that you get to make some fun memories as a family! I love the pictures and video of you guys at the ocean. It's so cute that Myra is so focused on playing in the sand and water that she's completely unphased by the waves rolling over her!

WLJZA said...

So fun. I've been waiting for the pics of the ocean cause i knew how excited tim was for it :). Glad you're having a great time. We love you lots.

Jeff and Jocelyn said...

Wow awesome pictures, Myra is looking so grown up and she looks like quite the content traveller. Oh to be near an ocean in shorts humm!
travel safe:)

Jeff and Jocelyn said...

Wow awesome pictures, Myra is looking so grown up and she looks like quite the content traveller. Oh to be near an ocean in shorts humm!
travel safe:)

Anonymous said...

I loved this post! The beautiful photo of Myra sitting by the ocean alone, the very fun videos! (I laughed with Tim's commentary of Florida being the "sunshine state!" :) Keep having a safe and fun trip!