Thursday, August 30, 2007

Small crisis and organizational accomplishments :)

Well, I just had a minor crisis and major 'brain-fart' moment. I put Myra in her crib for a nap and decided to quickly run downstairs to put something in the freezer. No sooner had the door closed behind me when I realized that it was still locked and I didn't have my keys. I didn't know if Myra had fallen asleep or was fussing. "Aaaaahhhhh!" I didn't even have any shoes on my feet. Luckily, Tim left his runners outside the door so I put them on and hurried across campus to find someone who could help me :). The front desk had a spare key - phew - and Myra was fast asleep when I walked in her room. Major guilt averted! All is well - can't believe I did that! :)

My days have been consumed with organizing and cleaning our place. I'm kind of weird in that if I had to choose between having a messy living space or messy closets I would choose a messy living place. I love having organized closets! So, monday was 'master bedroom monday' and the rest of this week I have focused on my closets. I'm very proud of my accomplishments so I took some video footage to show you :)

This is what our bedroom looks like:

Our bedroom closet:

The hallway closet:

Today, my focus is the front closet and kitchen. :) We're also going to attend an auction this evening and see if we can get some couches for our living room since all we have at the moment are two lawn chairs :)

Oooh! I just heard Myra :)

Here's a video of her waking up after her first nap - such a cheery disposition :) we are blessed!

As I post this y'all in BC land are probably just waking up and starting your day. Missing you and wishing each of you a peace filled day :)


Keith - Kristen said...

Thanks for the videos Char! So great to see what your place really looks like. Wow are you ever organized! You put us all to shame :)And the video of Myra is so precious! What a beautiful and happy girl. Good luck at the auction, hope you guys find something great!

Jeff and Jocelyn said...

love the videos! I share in the bliss that organization brings!
blessings on your day:)

Yvonne said...

Thanks for showing us your apartment - kudos on your organizational skills. I am not that organized so I'm in awe of people who are:) The video of Myra is precious - my favorite part of the day is getting Kyra out of her crib and the big smile she always has for me. Love the blanket smushing she does. Good luck at the auction!

Rosanna Toews said...

Funny story Char. Loved the Myra video! Missing you.

Leanne said...

Ooh, can you come and organize MY closets?! Yours look so fantastic! The video of Myra is adorable, just makes ya want to pick her up and snuggle her :)
Hope that you're successful tonight...Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

fun post Charlotte - thanks for taking the time to 'connect' on Skype yesterday and for taking time to post videos this morning before the rest of us were up - would love to come pick you up on my way to bring dad some watermelon on the farm; will chat again later

WLJZA said...

It's great to see a little bit of what your place looks like. We're enjoying your old couches for you. Hope you find something at the auction. Love you. Miss you lots.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlotte! Love the pics and videos of Myra. She's such a cutie! I can't believe how much she's grown even in the short time that you guys have been gone. I hope all goes well as you continue to unpack and organize, and that you guys were successful at the auction.


The W's said...

Wow, what great organization! That's what I'll be doing in a few days! I love things organized as well - your videos inspired me. Hope you're settling in.

Jamie said...

Yay for organization! And Myra is adorable in that last video :)

Kirsten said...

Love the story! Great work organizing Char! Looks fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Charlotte

Thanks so much for sharing so much of your Journey so far. You are an amazing blogger --- You and Rosanna are both great at blogging. So thanks for letting us be a part of your lives. Take care. Love you!
A. Lori

kelly ens said...

great video of Myra!
My husband (Alf) worked at Squeah with your brother-in-law, Jon, and I know he knows Tim somehow (in fact, we did a conference interview with Tim included when we were searching for a new youth pastor for Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver, so while I've met Tim, I don't know if he'd remember me!).
Anyway, all that said, I've been following your blog as of late, and have enjoyed watching Myra grow, and your move!